Things I Love Thursday

I’ve been running around the city with my mother all week like two crazy people, so other than the obvious thrill & delight of having her here with me, it’s been all about the small things! I really do think that the littlest things are often the most amazing ones, since often they don’t rely on anything other than you noticing them! You could be anyone, anywhere, & they could ring true for you, too!

People who are polite — even friendly & charming! — to cashiers, waitresses, taxi drivers, doormen, etc. It is the ultimate litmus test for how good a person you are. I cannot be friends with anyone who is rude to people that they perceive to be “beneath them”!
The business card I received recently which says on the back, “This is your life. Live your dream & wear your passion.”
When the sun finally bursts through the clouds & warms the streets
Birthday packages full of sparkly stars & hearts!
Time alone to recharge my batteries (essential!)
Sticky toffee pudding… shared with two of my favourite people (my mother & Mike!)
Dark, candlelit restaurants & perfectly-sized portions
Vanilla creme brulee!
Dreams about this girl I know distantly, & in the dream she had a cool green Triumph motorcycle!
Finding the ideal song for a project
The ultimate shoe. (Pictures soon!)
Lighting candles & making wishes
Jasmine & rose chocolates & teeny meringues from Angeliska!
Pulp fiction titles… Death House Doll, Shameless Honeymoon, Divorce Bait!, I Wake Up Screaming, & my favourite, Fast Loose & Lovely!
Mike saying, “You look like a mistress going to a funeral!” about my outfit. He meant it as a compliment. Okay, I choose to take it as a compliment! My outfit was cute!
Big pots of peppermint tea as writing fuel
Horse & carriage rides through Central Park…
Unbelievable jewellery shops. (I want to spend all my money at Solange Azagury-Partridge!)
Finding Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in a deli! (It happens rarely. Always exciting!)
Hot chocolate at Mariebelle in Soho (best ever!)
The 70 year old woman on the Upper East Side who came over to me yesterday to say, “Excuse me, but I just LOVE your skirt. I’m a huge fan of Emilio Pucci.” (CUTE!)
Sequinned aviator hats from Betsey Johnson!
The Cure’s Disintegration (perfect for cold days)
Coconut meat & coconut water all blended together (drinking obsessively!)
When Mike reads me articles aloud & has to take breaks to laugh!
My new tea & meditation practice in the mornings
Music with sitars in it
Wearing my winter coats again
Falling asleep in my mother’s hotel room
Sea lions!
Oversized sunglasses
French onion soup
Sparkly gunmetal grey nail-polish
The fact that my mother LOVES my boyfriend!
With excited anticipation for the week, month & year ahead…