Things I Love Thursday

My Vogue 2008 calendar — I’m so glad I bought it (it came with the Dec/Jan issue of French Vogue). Beaucoup du beautiful pictures to take me from day to day. There is so much detail in every photo that I’m finding it really inspiring. I love the February model’s short hot pink nails, they are fiiiiierce! (Thanks, Tyra Banks. You have ruined me!) I had hot pink nails when I was in Sydney last & it was totally hot. I need to get my nails done!
Leather jackets — I have been stalking them on Ebay like mad but this morning I finally bit the bullet & bought one. It’s tiny & cropped with a diagonal zip, a belt around the waist, epaulettes on the shoulders & 3/4 sleeves. Too gorgeous. I can’t wait for it to arrive! I am going to rock it all winter. I’m going to wear it with cocktail dresses, jeans, maxi skirts, vintage t-shirts & my collection of turbans! YAY!
Benn Jordan of The Flashbulb — I have loved The Flashbulb for a really long time, but this article makes me love Benn even more. You should download Soundtrack To A Vacant Life — NOT from iTunes — & bliss out.
Lagerfeld Confidential — & the fact that the March edition of Australian Vogue came with a free copy of it. Be still my beating heart. It’s a great piece of film; I saw it at a film festival a while ago & really enjoyed it. I am in love with Mr Lagerfeld, I adore the way his mind works. If you haven’t seen it, you should definitely make the effort.
Wishlists that come true! Some of you will remember my Wishlist For 2008 that I posted a week ago. After I made that collage, I set it as my desktop wallpaper so that I could see it all the time & be reminded of what I wanted. Well, yesterday I received a Lelo Lily in the mail — free. I’m going to review it soon (ooh la la!), but let this serve as a reminder that the law of attraction works!
L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival — It’s coming! There are lots of fantastic events going on & I can’t wait to attend them — & to shake hands with the fabulous Zandra Rhodes! (I met her right-hand woman at the Chelsea Hotel, she was very friendly. She stopped me in the lobby to say that Zandra & I had the same coloured hair…)
iCiNG plans! Ooh baby, wait ’til you see what I’ve got coming. This year is going to be HUGE & I’m so happy that you’re all along for the ride!
My mini-trampoline! Putting on some good, loud music & jumping up & down on my trampoline is one of the best ways to exercise that I know. It’s also good for getting rid of cellulite, yay!
This poem by Marianne Williamson. I have replaced the word ‘God’ with ‘the Universe’ because I think otherwise it is easy to misconstrue the message. Sorry, Marianne!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of the Universe that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Audrey wanted to get in on it too, so here’s his list!
Robyn — I’m a little behind, I know, but I’m totally obsessed with her latest album right now – especially ‘Konichiwa Bitches’. It’s even my ringtone because I’m a complete dork. The video is amazing, and a little bit Michael Gondry-esque.
Accessories! I’ve gone accessory mad at the moment. My heart/lock necklace is of course paired with everything I’m wearing, but I went and got some charms to make a few more at a bead shop in the city. I also scored an amazing black woven-leather bracelet from a beatiful store in Adelaide called Bauhaus (257 Rundle Street). I brought five different hats with me on my trip (I scored an old grey houndstooth trilby from my grandpa which I’m loving immensely), and I’ve bought four pairs of cheap Kmart white canvas shoes in Adelaide to take home with me.
The February issue of GQ — It has an excellent article about America’s up-and-coming fashion designers for menswear in 2008. It’s great reading, judging from what I skimmed while standing in the store (I’m saving a proper read of it for my flight home on Saturday) but even better is the photo shoot accompanying it. Though it’s nice to look at a designer’s line of clothes, I find it even more inspiring to see what the designers are wearing themselves. Check it out.
Road trips — Though the road between Melbourne and Adelaide isn’t exactly exciting (straight road, a line of bitumen, some trees and a lot of dead grass), it was all kinds of fun. My friend Darren flew to Melbourne just to drive back to Adelaide with me. We stocked up on energy drinks, had a spindle of awesome CDs on standby, and explored little country towns for thrift stores. I bought some hacked in black-and-red Reebok Pumps for FOUR DOLLARS! So grab some friends, fill your tank with gas and get on the open road! Bonus points if you buy mirrored aviator sunglasses from a truck stop. Double bonus word score if only your driving arm gets a tan.
Family — As much fun as it is to go out into the world and make your own life, there’s still something to be said to being back in your old house, in your own room, eating home cooking, playing with the dog and watching cable TV. So get off the internet, all of you, and call your family to tell them you love them and appreciate everything they’ve ever done.
Alright, darlings! Fill the page up with your love & happy heart. TiLT is a great thing to do on a good day, to boost you up even higher, but it is even better to do on days when you feel miserable & dejected. By bringing yourself into the present moment, you will find that you have more to be grateful for than you ever imagined. Give it a try! This means you!