Things I Love Thursday

Photo key:
1. tim walker, 2. saturday morning fun reading, 3. senior moment, 4. big city
The massage song — Sometimes when Simon massages my back he sings me a song at the same time. He makes up the words but normally it is basically all the good things about me that he can think of. It’s like a lyrical Things I Love (About Gala) Thursday. Best boyfriend ever. Oh yes.
“Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green. It’s just a great song. Though I think part of the reason I like it is because of Pulp Fiction.
The Gymnast — I’ve been meaning to see this for ages but only just got my hands on it. It is the story of a budding romance between a super-cute Korean girl & a super-buff blondie who is in an unhappy marriage. But this isn’t just your standard lesbian love story, it’s actually about two women who meet while practising aerials (!!!) & their love blossoms from there. It’s so good! Lots of red fabric & acrobatics. It gets the Gala seal of approval. You can see the trailer here.
Elbow patches! I found this amazing Alice + Olivia blue cashmere sweater on Ebay with navy elbow patches & it rocked my world. Unfortunately, I forgot to bid! Tragedy! & it’s a few seasons old so I may never find another one. Regardless, I remain hopeful that I will find something equally fabulous! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Takashi Murakami — Ah, delicious superflat. Why do I love him so? Viz: 1, 2 & 3…
Mensa — I really want a Mensa t-shirt. I just think it would be funny. I have a weird sense of humour, I guess! I think I would wear it with a high-waisted skirt & Oxfords & glasses & a pencil through my chignon — true geek chic!
Missbehave magazine — I never read Sassy (before my time, unfortunately), but I imagine that if it existed today, Missbehave would be its kindred spirit. Example: the front cover of the latest issue says, “How to get a hot stripper body fast! Without kidnapping!” That is so cool & overwhelmingly awesome that it hurts. It also has features on Heatherette & Moschino. I love it very much.
Garbage & Shirley Manson — While I was never wild about their singles, some of their tracks are gorgeous. At the moment I am particularly loving ‘The Trick Is To Keep Breathing’, ‘Androgyny’, ‘Special’ & ‘Temptation Waits’. & how can you not love a band that give a song the title ‘Supervixen’? Plus, have any of you ever noticed how incredibly foxy & fabulous Shirley Manson is? If not, I present evidence:

“Mozart was a punk, which people seem to forget. He was a naughty, naughty boy.” — Shirley Manson
Heart-shaped disco mirror balls! This is going to be my next purchase for the iCiNG Bowl. Dancing specks of light around the room? A resounding YES!
Amazing business documents — Miss Nubby Twiglet (go & buy her heart t-shirts!) sent me a mind-blowing PDF about branding & marketing the other day. I have been reading it with rapt attention. It is freaking brilliant. I owe her bigtime!
Chocolate chilli ganache frosting — It’s so not vegan, or even raw (contents: dark chocolate, cream, margarine, chilli powder). But it is tasty! I made chocolate cupcakes with this frosting for Valentine’s Day. I decorated them with little candy hearts, too! Yum. We guzzled them in bed last night!
“Love is the beauty of the soul.” — Saint Augustine
Now I turn the floor to you! It’s Valentine’s Day, too, so make it a super-love-fest! What do you love today? What’s turning your crank? What are your current obsessions? What can’t you get enough of? Spill!