Things I Love Thursday
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Ooh la la, it’s that time again…! This is my list of things I LOVE!
Mike Dooley! I’ve just spent a lot of time with him so I am a bit “high on Mike” (!) right now, but wow. What an incredibly cool, authentic, generous & thoughtful human being. Meeting him was a thrill & interviewing him was a delight, & I strongly recommend anyone who has the chance to hear him talk seizes the opportunity! His seminar yesterday was amazing — a full day of learning about how to make your visualisations more powerful, how to avoid self-sabotage, the effortlessness of creating & trusting in the process. There were fun exercises, lots of anecdotes (always my favourite bit — I always want to know how something applied to someone else’s life) & of course, heaps of Notes From The Universe to supplement the material! It was so good, & I am feeling so inspired today. Awesome. He is coming to Brisbane, Sydney, Auckland & Minneapolis soon, as well as embarking on a cruise from Hawaii in June (details), so get your booty in a seat! It is totally worth skiving off work for a day — you will love it. I liked it so much I bought him a Lindt chocolate bunny & wrote him a poem about the glorious shape of his head (see?!) & how he likes cigars, haha! Oh, & I wish I had a picture of us to show you but I don’t — all the shots we took are still on his camera. You can imagine it though, I’m sure!
Meeting nonpareils! The call I put out a week or so ago for volunteers to help at the Mike Dooley show was heard & the challenge was accepted by some super-cute girls! I met at least four nonpareils at his talks, all of them ADORABLE, bubbly, cute & most importantly, well-dressed! (Hee hee.) Huge kisses to all of you. It always amazes me to meet the people who read this site, they’re just such good people. One day, we should do regional meet-ups — then you would understand!
Eating lots of fruit & drinking lots of water — When we left the house yesterday we didn’t have time for breakfast, so we took some apples & a big bag of mixed bits, including dark chocolate, fruit & nuts. Kind of like a trail mix, except we like to call it “flail mix”! Anyway, we picked at it all day & drank heaps of water & man, my body felt good. A nice change from constant restaurant-hopping, which is what happens when my parents are here!
Spending time with my parents — Anyone who lives with their parents right now & loathes it, take some comfort from the fact that my mother & father just spent 5 days in our living room & we didn’t kill one another! In fact, we all got along famously; it was fantastic. I have a set of purikura photos on my desk of the four of us (them & me & Simon) making faces, it’s so funny. They are great company, I love them very much.
Plotting upgrades for my Macbook — Quelle nerd! But, well, I don’t have a lot of space on my baby, & I found out the other day that it could have 6 times more space for a mere penny! But then, I want a big honking screen, too… Dangerous!
Awaiting treats! I don’t have it yet, but a Nikon Coolpix P5100 is currently winging its way to my loving arms! I used to have another Coolpix a few years ago, & I loved it — it was brilliant. But I took it to Burning Man & well, let’s just say it’s done its best work. It sits, a bit mushed-looking, in a drawer, pretty much useless. I have my Nikon D80 of course, which is my main camera, but I have wanted a point & click camera for a while now. Something I can throw in my purse & take out with me, without lugging a huge SLR all over the city. The P5100 fits the bill perfectly; I can’t wait for it to arrive.
My regularly scheduled life — It’s been quite a whirlwind recently, & I have to admit it’s good to be sitting here this morning knowing I don’t have to leave my house or see anyone for a while! I have lots of writing to do & emails to respond to, & I have happiness in my heart. It’s all good up here in the clouds.
Honourable mentions: My new shoes (I feel so Fred Astaire!); my nailpolish (Cherries In The Snow by Revlon); pinning a flower on my leather jacket; my Tarina Tarantino sparkly ring (I have had it for months now but every day I look at it I think, “Ooooooh!”); walking back from the Mike Dooley talks (4.6 kilometres/2.8 miles) both nights with Simon & talking & plotting the whole way; thinking about New York; Ferrero Rocher easter eggs (so bad for me but totally irresistible!); setting new intentions; getting focussed; embracing life.
Two of the most powerful words in the English language for bringing about change are ‘thank you.’ Especially when offered before the change even happens and everything still looks pretty much like it did yesterday.Notes From The Universe
Okay gorgeous, your turn! What has you leaping around your bedroom, waving your hands in the air, hyperventilating & squealing with joy this week? What makes you want to sing? What are you looking forward to? What are the best things that happened this week?