Things I Love Thursday

Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School! Last night I modelled for Dr Sketchy’s Melbourne, & it was totally brilliant! So much fun. The room was totally sold out — there were people standing at the back, for god’s sake — & it was a really amazing experience. I did two different costumes — disco diva bunny girl & my interpretation of Tank Girl — & lots of weird poses. My amazing friend Marie, make-up artist extraordinaire, came along with me & did my face. She used stage make-up, lots of glitter & a pair of diamante-encrusted eyelashes & it looked awesome! Mel made up great playlists which had everyone boogieing in their seats & she even held a “draw a Tank Girl cover” competition. The winner, a very shy but incredible woman, won an assortment of cupcakes from Crabapple Cupcakes… lucky! My pictures (thank you Simon!) are here!
Yummy food! I have discovered lots of new things to munch on & adore this week. They are… Seaweed, my new favourite thing. I buy packets of it & chew on it & it goes all flakey on my fingers but I love it anyway. It’s the best thing ever, seriously — plus it makes you taste like a mermaid! Tomato juice with black pepper… Oh baby. YES. I especially like to drink it while watching Angel… it seems appropriate somehow! Apricots with rosewater & chocolate soy ice-cream — too good for words. Try it!
Rain — It has been raining for three days. It’s so much fun to watch it from our apartment; because we’re up so high it looks amazing. Another thing I’m totally psyched for is the weather in Wellington (where we’re going next Wednesday) — apparently it’s really warm & beautiful! This is such a rare thing in Wellington (hee hee) that I’m really really excited about it!
Planning my birthday party! Months away, I know, but I can’t help myself. There is so much cool stuff in the works, but at this point all I’ll tell you is that it’s going to be in New York in September, there are going to be lots of amazing people there & if you’re around, you can be one of them, because you are TOTALLY invited! Ring a ding ding! GOD I can’t WAIT!
Watching the iCiNG community blossom — I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see all my nonpareils interacting, sweet-talking each other & helping one another out. It is beautiful & truly, truly, truly outrageous… whoahhhhh Jem!

Lots of amazing new iCiNG developments — I have many BIG awesome surprises coming but the first one is going live on Tuesday. Yes, the first of April, but no, it’s not a prank or a joke! You are going to flip your wigs, I promise!
Honourable mentions: 3D glasses; big colourful bunches of flowers; Do You Lilac It? by OPI; meeting nonpareils!; my new camera (Nikon Coolpix P5100 — arrived yesterday!); trying to type with thick fingerless gloves on (it’s a total comedy of errors!); snuggling with loverboy under two duvets; being super-hydrated (feels so good); staying at home & working (I’ve had a whirlwind week & was at IKEA all morning, so the next few days are going to be iCiNG-tastic, I’m totally looking forward to it!); having new shoes which make me feel like a fashion-forward pixie!; beauty maintenance (hair & nails appointments have made — I love having someone else dote on me); knowing that things are getting better & better every day!
“He who enjoys doing and enjoys what he has done is happy.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ahhh yes, mes petites! Your lists, please! Last week we had over 200 submissions, which totally blew my mind! I’m so proud & thank you so much for taking part! So, as always, I’d love to hear what’s making you smile, dance, sing & whistle! & here’s an idea — why not email your list to your four favourite people & ask them what their list would be? Joy shared has much more power!
Oh — & grab a badge too!