Things I Love Thursday
Having friends that I respect — Years ago, I used to think a lot about how I would feel if I met one of my idols & was going to introduce them to my friends. Would I feel good about it? I was always a bit iffy on the answer. That might seem like a slightly shallow thing over which to deliberate, but sometimes it’s hard to gauge how you feel about someone until you consider them in a specific situation. Anyway, I am proud to say that yesterday I realised that all of my friends are amazing. I respect them so much. They are so inspiring, so cool, so grounded, & really, really, REALLY good people. I love ya.
Lula’s Sweet Apothecary, otherwise known as my new favourite place. Oh yes. Sean Bonner tweeted about it the other day & I had to go. What is it, you ask? It’s an ALL VEGAN ICE-CREAM PARLOUR in New York City’s East Village. Oh yes. Ohhhh yes. So I went, & honestly there was trepidation in my heart because sometimes — not always, but sometimes — vegan “remakes” of things aren’t very good. But the good news is this. I had a peanut butter & chocolate shake that was so good I almost cried. & then I had an enormous mint chocolate chip sundae with cream, hot fudge sauce, Oreos & a cherry on top. It was amazing. I have thought about going back every day since then. If you’re in the neighbourhood, you have to go. Even if you’re not vegan. Tell them I sent you & give them my love!
Sean Daley from Atmosphere. Honestly, he is preeeeetty much the coolest person on the planet. He is totally honest, genuine, authentic & hilarious — exactly what you would expect from hearing his records. I can’t believe I got to meet him; I cannot describe the total awesomeness of hearing a voice that is so familiar & iconic actually saying your name. Even funnier was listening to the people around me tell their friends, “OH MY GOD I MET SLUG”! Adorable++. I saw their two New York shows on Monday & Tuesday, both of which were excellent. I’ve said it before, I’ve said it a million times: find out if they’re coming to your city, buy a ticket, go & enjoy yourself! Oh, & of course, I had to take photos…
Manko (link not safe for work). I had breakfast with her on Monday, & she is fabulous. I’ve admired her for a really long time — I love her aesthetic & her attitude — & just like with Sean, it was awesome to discover that she’s just as cool in real life. The funniest thing is that we’re going to be in Wellington at the same time later this year! Hi-jinks are in the works! Yay!
Hour-long Shiatsu massages — Oh yesssss! Timmy & I got massages together on Monday & emerged from the darkened room an hour later, feeling like new people. God, it was so good! & what’s better than an hour-long Shiatsu massage? That’s right! Booking to go back a week later!
Eveline Tarunadjaja. Clever, cute! Look! (She’s also exhibiting in Melbourne & California in a show curated by Audrey Kawasaki, & you should totally go.)
Loverboys who come over, make you dinner & buy you ice-cream. Enough said, right?
My apartment. I am still in absolute rapture at having my own place. I also love this neighbourhood & the people in it, I love the church bells, I love the park. My place is fabulous. When you walk in the front door, you smell lilies & roses. I also received a package from the United Kingdom the other day, with a dress & a whole bunch of holographic stars in it. The stars exploded all over my living room — they’re sprinkled across my floor & table. I stuck one to my lover’s forehead with spit. They stick to the bottoms of my feet & I keep finding them everywhere. It makes me smile.
This quote:
“Learn to ask for what you want. The worst people can do is not give you what you ask for which is precisely where you were before you asked.” — Peter McWilliams
Honourable mentions: Black President by NAS; Vanity Sick by Atmosphere (new favourite track — it was the bonus track on When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold if you bought it on iTunes, but I didn’t, & thus, I had never heard it until the show!); this tampon chandelier!; ripped stockings; people who come up to me just to tell me how much they like my hair!; also, leaving pink hairs everywhere; learning to let go; validating phonecalls; The Magnetic Fields’ 69 Love Songs; upcoming travel (St Louis in November, hee!); my Givenchy lip glosses (boy-approved!); spending an entire day writing in my Moleskine; spooning; This Is How We Do It by Montell Jordan, hahaha; phone interviews with charming people; talking to my friend on Skype while she was naked in bed (saucy!); writing in weird places (parks, rooftops, fire escapes); Spaced (“she looks like a turd in a wig!”); planning trips to LA; gothic fonts; Vogue Nippon; people who are delighted by my accent (soooo cute); making extravagant hallowe’en plans; sending super-excitable emails; kissing; anyone who tells me I have cute teeth (especially because I don’t think I do); my parents; shock, joy & awe.
Now, my beautiful babushka, tell me your list of current infatuations! Sit there with your eyes closed & let the excitement & happiness & glee build up inside you until you feel like you will explode… Then start writing! I can’t wait to hear what weird & wonderful things happened to you this week!