Things I Love Thursday
Louise L. Hay — I know I mentioned her last week, but last night I started reading the book of You Can Heal Your Life. Um, wow. I think it might be the most amazing book I’ve ever read. My eyelashes fluttered with delight at each paragraph, & I kept thinking about how I wanted to buy a copy for pretty much everyone I know. I’m planning on going to a secondhand bookshop & buying up a whole lot of copies to give out, actually. I’m almost tempted to make it “prescribed reading” for anyone undergoing the iCiNG Transformation Challenge, because I feel that reading this would help anyone achieve anything they wanted to do. Seriously, it is incredible, & even if you “hate self-help” or on the opposite end of the scale, think you’re a super-enlightened being, everyone will learn something amazing from this book. So put your reservations aside & pick it up. Okay? (Oh, & for those of you who wanted to improve your self-esteem as part of the iTC, this is ESSENTIAL READING.)
Spontaneous dinner dates, bookstore haunting & walking around the city wearing diamante-studded sunglasses. I have to give special props to my favourite dinner spot, Chow, which is best for spontaneous dinner dates. Plus their cocktails are hard to beat, & there is at least one nonpareil on the staff! Smooches!
“She isn’t a hooker, she’s like an… international party girl.””She’s a hooker with a passport!”
Having long hair again! I am aware that this may sound ridiculous but having long hair makes me really happy. It’s different to how it was previously — I think it’s a bit longer & it’s now a combination of hot pink, fuchsia & ultra-violet — & I absolutely love it. Cass from Wildilocks made a specialised haus-call on Monday (quelle champ!) & decked me out. It is perenially amazing to me how much a good haircut or hairstyle can change how you feel about yourself. With magical unicorn hair I feel more confident, attractive & sexy than ever before. Love it. Longer, pinker, faster, stronger!
Watching the Super Bowl! I am not even kidding. SERIOUSLY. I had never seen it before, & on Monday I watched Twitter go nuts about it, so I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I arbitrarily picked a team (Cardinals! …oops) & sat down to watch. I can’t believe how much I enjoyed it! I don’t even like sports, really! I actually yelled at my television screen. There may have been un petit amount of cursing. Dude, it was amazing, even though “my team” lost. I am officially a fan. I think that on Monday I inadvertently started a new tradition.
Las Vegas New Zealand — I love New Zealand very much but I am super-excited to be leaving in a little under three weeks. There are not enough exclamation marks in the entire universe to express my excitement & it would be intensely obnoxious if I tried, so I won’t. Just… you know. Be aware. I am excitement incarnate!
Honorable mentions: P.O.S.’ new album Never Better (buy it TODAY!) & the fact that he is now on Twitter!; Slick Rick; Tech N9ne; early morning phonecalls full of laughter; Ray LaMontagne; The Current; thinking about getting more tattoos (in L.A.!); sticking Swarovski crystals on my fingernails; reading in bed; making plans; karaoke; Larabars; counting down the days; good black ink pens & loopy handwriting; quoting American Psycho (my favourite book); not doing the 25 random things meme on Facebook (resist!); silly boozey Skype conversations; hooping while I talk on the phone; this girl’s tattoos; books with personal inscriptions; watching Sex & The City from season one, episode one; watching Gossip Girl from season one, episode one; hoop bruises; working out new tricks (SO satisfying); forthcoming EEBT (Epic Evil Bad Times (TM)!); SeƱor Coconut & fun mixes.
“What happened?!””He became predictable.””How predictable.”
Also, & this is totally random, I think someone should start a website called “Hipster or Homeless?” which is a game where you see a photo & have to pick one. That is all.
Oh & hey. How many of you are hooping now?! Should we join forces & call ourselves the SWOON ARMY?!
Alright, enough silliness from me! Time for silliness from YOU! What’s poppin’ in your love universe?!