Things I Love Thursday
Secret vintage treasure troves — Last week, Jazzi took me to this nondescript warehouse surrounded by factories, which just so happened to be an awesome cave of delicious vintage happiness. I am not usually super-into vintage, I think because I lack the patience to go through racks & racks of stuff which doesn’t appeal to me that much, but this place was incredible. Really incredible. The prices were insanely cheap, there were free snacks & it was super-fun. Unfortunately Jazzi made me swear not to blog about it. (The girl who took her there the first time actually blindfolded her in the car so she wouldn’t know where they were going.) But there’s information about it online, so maybe with a bit of surreptitious googling, you will discover it too!
Managing to accomplish plenty even though I’m technically on “holiday” (honestly though, when am I not?). Packing lots of adventures into every day, having major fun & feeling totally on top of it all & not even a smidge jet-lagged. How am I managing this? I think it’s due to the fact that I’m eating really well — big smoothies for breakfast & enormous salads for lunch or dinner. I feel so good right now!
San Francisco! Someone told me recently that San Francisco is what would happen if New York & Los Angeles had a baby, & I think they’re pretty right. I like it here a lot, & this visit has been way more fun than the last time I was here. Even though this has been such a flying visit, & I leave tomorrow (!) & I feel like I haven’t seen anything yet! Today I’m going on a couple of strange adventures & then we drive back to Los Angeles in the morning. Aw. Sad. I need to come back to San Francisco in the summer. I feel this very strongly.
Rob Roy, who is my new favourite musician. He’s a friend of Jazzi‘s, & when she played me his CD, I was totally blown away. His music is INCREDIBLE & cool as hell, & well, let’s just say, I think you’ll enjoy it. This interview with him is cute too.
Awful pick-up lines on Venice Beach — Last week I made the perhaps questionable choice of wearing bunny ears at Venice Beach. I’m kind of glad I did, because the guys who approached me were HILARIOUS. Honestly. I wish I’d thought to film them but I didn’t. Oh, & some guy tried to hit on Jazzi by calling her “chocolate tender”. What?!
Honourable mentions: Blizzard phonecalls; AMAZING; also amazing; my Flip Mino HD (still); Trashy Lingerie; five minute long shout-outs on Wisconsin radio; cute emails from people you really respect; sitting by Jazzi’s pool & working with headphones on; Drake’s So Far Gone mixtape; daytime naps; my pastry henchman; lying in bed & talking to Star; looking forward to getting back to L.A.’s weather (no offence S.F., you’re just too cold for me right now!); hobbling around in Jazzi’s Balenciaga knock-offs; big glasses of water; takeaway cups of hot chocolate; my new Adidas track jacket; Austin anticipation; growth & learning, learning, learning. Also, I get to see my wife & favourite Virgo on Saturday morning for a Disneyland adventure. You can’t top that!