Things I Love Thursday

It’s so grey & rainy in New York City right now that I decided a blast of ultra-colour was perhaps what everyone needed! & who better to deliver that than Stuntkid?! ()
Here are some things I love this week…
Taco night!!!; taking the day off & going shopping; Hank photoshoots; being cute in the mornings; Elton John; Rock The Bells anticipation; for that matter, P.O.S. anticipation; candy-marshmallow-fluff legz; our little family unit (The Dish, Hank Williams et moi); @StanDarde!; peach cobbler; when The Dish raps over MF Doom beats for me while he cleans the bathroom; Pepperidge Farm soft-baked snickerdoodle cookies (ahhhhh); this ring (hello swoon); taxidermied bears; staying inside with a stack of books & magazines; being given an old red hardcover copy of Dracula with a BITE missing from the spine!; kissing Hank on his snoot (“snoot” is a word I stole from Steve Braunias); …also, using Hank as my personal ottoman/pillow/procrastination device; staying inside when it rains; getting dressed up for fancy dinners; the strange noise my ‘s’ key makes; really good coffee; a surprise package of super-cute lingerie from Bravoom!; watching episodes of The Mighty Boosh in bed; wearing high heels; going out to dinner & not having your phone on the table — focus on one another for a change!; snoring puppies; walking around the East Village; compliments from strangers; working from coffee shops, & The Dish, The Dish, The Dish. He is totally part of my Favourite People Brigade.
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” — Og Mandino
How about you, kitten moon? What’s making you happy today?