Weekly Resolutions
Bonjour! Good morning my darlings! Welcome to a new week!
The response to my first Weekly Resolutions post on Monday was so stupendous that I’ve decided it is definitely something we should carry on!
Tell me: how did you do on yours? What would your weekly resolutions report card say? Would you give yourself an A+ or a C-?
My resolutions last week were:
Raw power & big energy!
Competition entry
Wake up early
Deal with email daily
Well, I ate lots of good stuff last week, so I think I fulfilled the first one. I only ate a little bit of rubbish, & that was when I was stuck somewhere for four hours with nothing but a convenience store to feed me. But because I ate so well, I felt really awesome & my skin looks brilliant. I didn’t work on my competition entry (but as I was flat-out with other stuff, I think that’s okay). I didn’t jump on my trampoline once, haha, but I went on a lot of walks! I woke up early every day (yay!) without even the aid of an alarm clock! Superb! & I also dealt with every email I received the day it came in (except Friday, but I figured it was the weekend so it was okay to let it slide…).
Overall, I achieved the most important things on my list with a bit of room for improvement. But I am very happy with how well I did. I give myself an A-!
So, my resolutions for the coming week are…
I have lots of silly little administrative tasks to take care of on iCiNG this week (removing old tags, adding new ones, updating links page etc.). This week I resolve to get them done!
Lots of water! Fashion week is coming up & I want to look as radiant as possible, wink!
This is another fashion week related item. I really need to plot out what I’m going to wear. Otherwise it will be a very flustered week.
Again, this week, I am going to make an effort to eat as raw as possible. It just makes me feel really good, so it’s really worth putting in the work to make it happen.
I would like to do another podcast this week! Let me know if you have any suggestions for topics.
Also, I forgot to write this down, but I am going to keep dealing with my email on a daily basis. It is almost scary how good it makes me feel to be on top of my inbox!
What are your resolutions for the week?