What’s In Gala’s Bag? (Canada Edition!)

Matt & Nat Camden bag in magenta (Canada represent!)
Bunny mirror (bought at Toy Tokyo, NYC)
Urban Outfitters glasses (make for a good impromptu disguise)
Matt & Nat Ceremony wallet in blue (I love Inder)
Elle UK (best magazine on the planet, no contest)
Teen Vogue (not the best magazine on the planet but I still like it)
Moleskine daily planner (a Virgo’s best friend)
Hipster PDA (ditto)
New York City Metrocard (already used, why I’m carrying it around I don’t know)
Pilot Extra-Fine Precise V5 pen
Betsey Johnson sunglasses (free & probably my favourite pair)
Gauloises Blondes
Lip Smacker in “sugar crystals” flavour
Helio Ocean phone (almost entirely useless outside of the U.S.A.)
Gala ski-field pamphlet from Japan (I use it as a bookmark in my Moleskine)
Keys to my temporary digs in Toronto
iCiNG postcards (I use these instead of business cards at the moment, & keep them in an envelope I got with all my panel information for SXSWi)

Not shown: Nikon D80; Lush Butterball bath ballistic; turquoise iPod & Bose headphones; receipts for Lush, The Beaconsfield, Airline Limousines; two (2) passports; postcard with Pharrell on the front; tissues (gross); diamante-encrusted hair-clips; blotting papers.
What’s in your bag? How much stuff do you lug around on a daily basis? Do you fear being a hunchback in old age?!