Wicked Schoolgirls On The Streets Of San Francisco!
Last Friday, I took to the mean streets of San Francisco doing my interpretation of a schoolgirl — Gossip Girl On Acid, ahoy! — with Lydia Hudgens, photographer extraordinaire.
I woke up early, fuelled myself with coffee & started throwing outfits together. As I did, my bed transformed into a smorgasbord of sparkles, stripes, ruffles & skulls…
Shortly thereafter, Lydia & makeup artist Lauren Warner from Face Design met me in my room at Hotel Frank, where Lauren worked her magic. She did an AMAZING job — I am incredulous. She used Christian Dior makeup exclusively, which I had never used before, & it looked magnificent. Lauren is really old-school in the way that she works, layering powder on top of cream on top of powder on top of cream, & the results speak for themselves. It also made Lydia’s job of post-processing really easy, since she barely had to touch my face!
Once I put the finishing touches on my outfit, we jumped in Lydia’s truck (rad!) & drove to her neighbourhood, the Mission. We were in search of bright & colourful walls, & we struck gold… several times over!

We also found a beautiful church which looked like a school from the outside. Here I am doing my best evil schoolgirl impersonation. If only my uniform was this cute when I was actually in school!

I was wearing…
Mickey Mouse ears
A rather epic pair of false eyelashes
Sparkly skull earrings from the halloween store
Purple scarf from H&M (I love the colour)
Hollingworth cricket jacket courtesy of Rugby Ralph Lauren
White tank with skull image, also from H&M (I usually wear this when I’m working out!)
Black skirt from Betsey Johnson, which came with suspenders but I took them off. I actually bought this in San Francisco on Thursday afternoon! The girl who sold it to me, Alexis, in Betsey on Geary Street, was a sweetheart!
Balenciaga Twiggy in magenta
Black stockings
Dr Marten Regina boots
Our Darling ring by Bloodmilk & crystal skull ring

The box on the back of this scooter was too adorable not to capture on film. Now, prepare for some bright walls!

This turquoise wall was amazing. There was a garage inside with a gaggle of men who didn’t know exactly what to make of us! I hope they enjoyed the show!

I need to learn how to emulate this makeup! Thankfully, it was really bright so I have a lot of photos of me looking down, which will aid in my quest! Evil laugh! I see a lot of eyeshadow & squinting into the mirror in my immediate future!

Then we went to lunch at Cafe Gratitude, did a spot of vintage shopping, took more photos & attended a striptease fashion show… But that’s a story for another time! (Sit tight!)
Thank you very, very, very much to Lydia for being an outstanding photographer! We shot last year (remember?) & even in that short amount of time, she has progressed in leaps & bounds. If you’re in the Bay Area, & feel like capturing your sassiness on film, you should definitely speak to her! Huge kisses to Lauren for making me feel super-beautiful, & of course Rugby Ralph Lauren for giving me the sort of blazer a Gossip Girl On Acid could only dream of!