Things I Love Thursday: Pink Flowers And Exciting Announcements!
There are few things better than flying back to your city after a couple of weeks on the road. As I sat on the (teeny-tiny) Delta Commuter flight from Chicago, making its slow descent to LaGuardia, the view out the window — of midtown Manhattan, the Empire State Building, and the World Trade Center — combined with Notorious B.I.G. in my headphones made my heart flutter. It was an emotional homecoming. #totesnormal
(Newt Gingrich was waiting at the baggage claim, which was kind of amazing. As he chatted with his wife, whose hair is the most rigidly hairsprayed of any I’ve seen, he slapped her ass!)
Love time! This Spotify playlist, which is just amazing Reading articles about Siegfried and Roy aloud to Shauna when she was trying to work (“Roy is a dark Eurasian prince, a mystic, who each morning meditates with a white tiger named Mantra.” Seriously.) Trimming Kat’s fringe (trust exercise!) Cookie skillets Dance parties where we practice doing MC Hammer’s crab dance (harder than it looks) Super-glad that (spoiler alert) Bianca won Drag Race, and Scott won Ink Master! Big pink peonies and hyacinths on the kitchen table (my new makeshift office — our living room is completely empty!) Champagne toasts #sparklethumb Confetti everywhere Color Run anticipation! Are you gonna join me?! Clean sheets My new jeans which I cannot stop wearing Taking self-portraits with Dolly The way NYC has exploded with green!
In other news… Our time in Palm Springs wasn’t all pool-side lounging… We were busy creating something brand new for our blogcadettes! Stay tuned: we launch on Tuesday! Any guesses?! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to be the first to know… !
Oh man, there’s nothing like a launch to put excitement at an all-time high!
Photos by Kristin Cofer and Made U Look Photography.