Your Bonus: A Love Reading For The Week Of The 3rd September 2018!
There is something so exciting and delicious about being in a new city. I’m obsessed with my new home and it’s so empty! I have a couch, a coffee table, a desk, a chair, a bed, and two side tables. That’s really it! It’s inspiring me in so many ways. The first thing is that I’m realizing I really don’t need much. (Which means… I’m going to get rid of almost everything I have waiting for me in New York.) And the second thing is that all the SPACE is giving my mind so much room to roam!
I’ve been having ideas, daydreaming, and brainstorming like a fiend ever since I got here. I have new habits, new routines, new places to go, new experiences and theories to fill up on. From amazing cafes to my new gym, there is something surprising and delightful around every corner. It feels SO good.
One of those new habits involves listening to tarot card readings on YouTube as I fall asleep. As a newbie tarot card reader, it’s really helping me get more comfortable with the cards and their meanings. Plus, there is something so relaxing about listening to people shuffle (it’s my kind of ASMR, I guess!), and then hearing the interpretations. And, I gotta tell you… It is SPOOKY how relevant the readings are. They blow my mind on a regular basis. It’s wild!
So, in a moment of inspiration, I asked you guys via Instagram Stories whether you’d like a love reading. Only 2% of people said no… Hahaha! So I decided that the 1000+ of you who said YES should get what they asked for.
Below is my first ever love reading for you guys. I used a very simple spread from Little Red Tarot: you, them, us, advice. And the results… Well. The comments speak for themselves!
I used the How To Deal deck. It’s a beauty, and Marisa is a sweetheart! Go grab yourself a set!
So… What do you think?! Was it relevant to you? How do you like the advice? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Love always,