Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
he alternate title for this post should probably just be “I Love Bodysuits” because it feels like a meaningful theme in my life lately. If it isn’t a bodysuit, I probably don’t want to wear it. It’s safe to say that I am obsessed with the damn things.
This outfit is a perfect case in point. When I posted an outtake of it on Instagram, a lot of people thought it was a dress because it looked so seamless. Success! No one will ever say that about a t-shirt worn with a skirt. It just doesn’t look the same. And sure, when it comes to the big picture and the grand scheme of things, the “smoothness” of an outfit is not a life-or-death situation… But it always feels better when your look is on point.
Ribbons around the neck = a big yes from me. I haven’t written about my Style Direction for a long time, but I’m definitely due for an update. My style has evolved a lot in the past year, and it’s really fun to experiment with new shapes (like more fitted garments) and colours (baby pink, for example). Here are some of my old Style Direction pieces if you’re in a bit of a sartorial rut (they might inspire you!): Stepford Witch (2015), Eccentric Pop (2013), Day Tripping Darling (2012), Psychedelic Ladies Who Lunch (2010).
I’m getting excited just thinking about writing about my new Style Direction. Okay, okay, I’ll do it! Soon!
I’m wearing…
A black straw hat from Forever 21. Whenever I go into one of their stores, I just cannot resist their hat collection. It’s like a sickness.
Fendi ribbon around my neck. I bought some sunglasses at the boutique in Vegas and the ribbon was used to tie the bag. I decided to repurpose it, and now this ribbon has actually gotten more wear than the sunglasses themselves! Oops. It’s like how kids like the box the toy comes in more than the toy itself, you know?
Black bodysuit by New Look, purchased through ASOS
Black skater skirt from H&M, although I got it at Buffalo Exchange
Dr Marten Darcie boots which are absolutely on their last legs. There are holes in the heels now. I need to throw them away but it’s hard to get rid of clothing that served you so well!
These girls! I just came back from YET ANOTHER trip to Vegas with them, and it was even more fun than the last one. We had such a good damn time!
Awwwww. Cutest babes out.
Love and bodysuits,
Photos by Made U Look Photography.