Money Burning A Hole In Your Pocket? Check Out These Marvellous Kickstarters!

Everyone has a dream. What could be better than helping someone make theirs come true?
I am obsessed with Kickstarter. Just a quick browse around the site will ignite your mind, and you’ll be reminded how many truly brilliant people on this planet. We’re living in the most incredible time, a time when possibility is only limited by our imagination. Kickstarter is a living demonstration of this principle.
In case you don’t know the deal, Kickstarter is a site where big projects (which need big funding) can come to life through small individual donations. You can donate a buck, a grand, or anything in between… And in return, you get rewards. (Really cool rewards.)
Here are some of my favourite Kickstarters that are going on right now. Watch the videos, click through, read about the project, and if you feel the urge, get involved!
Revolver: A Road Trip Romance in Exile
Revolver is a feature-length film about a cowboy, a showgirl, and the roadtrip adventure that takes them across the dusty backroads of America. Written by Veronica Varlow and Burke Heffner, the trailer alone won an esteemed award… And now it’s time for that trailer to become a full-blown film.
Revolver is about living the dream, not just watching it; about creating memories, not just reading someone else’s. Revolver is a wild-ass romp through the American Dream, in a ’62 pick-up truck with bad tyres.
It’s Veronica Varlow’s biggest dream, and since Veronica is one of my best friends, it’s my dream, too.
Revolver needs to be funded by Friday November 12. And the rewards are FANTASTIC, so be sure to have a look through ’em!
SHADOW | Community of Dreamers
SHADOW is an app which will help you to remember your dreams. Our dreams are one way that our subconscious mind communicates with us, and when we write down our dreams, a month later we’re often shocked and awed by the messages that were coming through. Additionally, the better you remember your dreams, the more likely you are to have lucid dreams (or dreams you can control). Awesome.
SHADOW isn’t just an app, it’s an adaptive alarm that learns your personal sleep style. They say that “with a smarter smart alarm, you can choose the best moment to wake up, maximizing dream recall and starting your day out right.” I’m into that.
Once you’re awake, SHADOW immediately prompts you to record your dreams via voice, text or question. Speak directly into the app to record your dream, and SHADOW will transcribe it, or type the content directly into the blank text box. If you’re really struggling to remember what you dreamed, you can opt to answer a series of 5-10 questions designed to jog your memory. The whole process takes less than five minutes.
So cool. I love it!
SHADOW’s Kickstarter ends on Saturday November 2nd. The more you pledge, the sooner you’ll get access to their app. (There are cool downloads and stuff, too.) I can’t wait!
Makeshift Society is a legendary co-working space in San Francisco. On any given day, you’ll find it full of writers, designers, artists and entrepreneurs, and it’s a very woman-centric place. It’s so cool, in fact, that we’re holding our San Francisco Blogcademy within its hallowed halls!
Well, the fun isn’t limited to the West Coast: in 2014, Makeshift Society is coming to Brooklyn. And not a moment too soon. After years of traipsing from coffee shop to coffee shop, I’m ready to work in a cool, fun, well-lit space. All the co-working spaces I’ve seen in NYC look like another corporate office… And that’s the last thing I want!
Makeshift isn’t just a workspace, it’s a meeting point for creatives. In addition to offering classes and hosting events, they have a library full of inspiration, a residency program and even a little photo studio! Just imagine the people you might meet there! Gosh, that’s reason enough for me.
Makeshift Society’s Kickstarter ends on Thursday October 31st. That’s this week! Let me put it plainly: if you want in, you should act now!
Much love,