Search Results for: i want to be

What Goes and What Clashes?

I received this a while ago, & I’ve been thinking about it ever since: What clashes? What colours don’t go together? What can’t you wear with what? Stripes and polka dots? Stripes and more stripes? Mixing patterns? Not to say I would follow said fashion laws to a tee, but usually they exist for a […]

Makeup Basics Part One — Skincare

I recently received this email: Being a guy I don’t usually wear makeup, but on occasion when going out I’ll throw some mascara on and maybe some nail polish. I like to be exuberant at times and was thinking of getting some eye shadow too. But in honesty I know next to nothing about the […]

First Impressions Count and the Value of Image Consultation

I was recently invited by a friend of mine, Rod, to attend his image consultation at First Impressions Count in Brunswick. He was given a voucher by a friend at a barbeque & thought it would be an interesting experiment, & I was keen to go along & see how it went. We caught a […]

Carousel — Week Ending 19th January 2007

I’m sorry this is so late, I was in the suburbs (the horror!) reviewing a service which will be featured on here very soon! It’s also a small list — as I write & learn more about fashion, I find less & less information online that is relevant, timeless or valuable. Please send me links […]

Daily Outfit — 18th January 2007

Daily Outfit, 18th January 2007. Long black thin cotton knit hoodie by Laurie Foon “Death of the Bunny Girl” t-shirt from Topshop, which I wear all too often Spiderman boy undies 2 different PVC shoes This is my I’m-a-slacker-&-I’m-not-planning-on-leaving-the-house-today outfit. Though I might go out & get some coffee soon. The underpants aren’t mine. I […]

How To Choose A Flattering Haircut

I recently received an email from my friend who is getting her hair cut tomorrow afternoon & wanted to know how to choose a good haircut. She said: It might follow on from your recent mention of your own haircut… The best part about all of this is that I didn’t follow many of the […]

The Ultimate Guide To Unnatural Hair Colouring

My hair has been pink, purple, jade-green, red, black & white… & all within the last three years. I’m often asked how do I get my hair so (insert-colour-here) & what products I use, so I thought I would give you some pointers. (Also, yesterday I got my hair cut REALLY SHORT & I am […]

Marie Antoinette Style

Let them eat cake! I recently saw Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette & really enjoyed it. Normally I loathe period films, & Kirsten Dunst doesn’t do much for me much either, but this was a complete visual thrill. The clothing was as amazing as the colour-scheme & the cakes were incredible. Anyway, I really liked the […]

Casual Suit Jackets

I see alot of hipsters wearing suit jackets without the rest of the suit. Is this just wrong? Or are there certain conditions in which this can be pulled off? I have absolutely no problem with this as a look — in fact, I gladly embrace it! A suit jacket is the perfect way to […]

The Definition Of Real Style (Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love iCiNG)

“Etiquette are for those without manners, in the same way as fashion is for those without style.” – Coco Chanel People on forums all over the internet keep asking about what will be big in 2007. I put forward the notion that 2007 becomes the year that people really start to develop their own personal […]

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